Going Green

Going Green Initiatives

As discussion continues regarding climate change, more and more green technologies are being developed. The construction industry is no exception. Federal guidelines for green construction were established in 1998. Since then, great strides have been made in constructing more environmentally friendly buildings.

It is commonly agreed that building green focuses on the design and operation of a built project in a way that reduces the overall impact on human health and the natural environment by:

  • Efficient use of energy, water and all resources
  • Safeguarding occupant health
  • Improving employee productivity
  • Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation


RCT has taken several steps to improve their “Green” abilities and awareness to better serve their customers and planet. In 2009 RCT established its Green Team which is comprised of several volunteers throughout the company. Since its conception, the team has held regular meetings to help aid the company in expanding its green initiatives, products, and capabilities in regards to disaster restoration. We have evaluated the following:

  • Origins of Green Buildings
  • Green Construction
  • Identification and Evaluation of Green Products
  • Energy Star Program
  • Use of Environmentally friendly chemicals
  • The Use of Hydroxyl technology over Ozone technology
  • Deconstruction (Deconstruction vs Demolition)


RCT is committed to its continued education and growth in the sustainability of our planet. If you have any questions regarding our green capabilities, products, or initiatives please contact one of our Green Risk Professionals.